Greet everyone with a smile, and get them over to the check-in table.
Parking Attendants Will help attendees with parking and guide them to the check in table. 0700-0900
Check-in table Players & Teams check in here and receive their “Ta Ta Tool kit”, Score Card, and Hole assignment. 0700-0900
Help caterer with food set up, monitor table, and keep clean as needed.
Spin the Wheel Vol will report to hole #6. Monitor spins and collect money. Vol can be swapped out around 1100 if needed. Once all teams have completed play, Vol may return.
Awards and Prizes Find prizes and awards for the event. Set up a table with awards and prizes.
Virtual Long Drive Contest. Assist contestants with the virtual long drive challenge. Driving net set up with with launch monitor and leaderboard. $5 for 3 swings. Unlimited attempts. 0700-1400